In case you were wondering...

In case you were wondering...

This blog exists to encourage all those who have ever wanted--and needed!--a tiny getaway close to home. A workshop, playhouse, garden shed, sanctuary, mini-greenhouse, studio, home office; whatever it is you need, it IS doable, with some sacrifice, imagination, and compromise.

It helps if you're handy, too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A different view of the shed...

Looking over the fence...I'm still trying to figure out if I want to add an overhang over that door, so I don't have to fumble with locking and unlocking when it rains or snows!  I don't want it to look cheesey, or like an afterthought (even if it is!)...more integral.  So...thinking...


  1. What's wrong with using the overhang from your sketches and plans at the top of the page?!? I think it would look great. Or... you could always just extend the roof a few feet more.

  2. Yep, I chose not to use that because I didn't want to block the that I've lived with a year of getting rained and snowed on, I'm a bit more willing. :-D It would be a lot easier than extending the roof, I think...

  3. And by the way, the woodstove in the sketch at top didn't happen codes and insurance sunk that one!



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