
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sketching at the Shed

Pepe is SUCH a good model, even when he's lying on my lap!

Very quick sketches in the snow, on the Winter Solstice...

Some of the "tree people" near the shed...


  1. What absolutely gorgeous pages! x

  2. So nice, so aparently simple and this simplicity is the one that fullfill our souls.

  3. As usual, I love everything you do! Lovely sketches. :)

  4. That shed was the best idea, well, one of the best, you've ever had! I love everything that comes out of it!

  5. Oops, my comment went away. I just wanted to say that building that shed was a wonderful idea. Not only has it obviously given YOU such pleasure, it's given the rest of us a lot of pleasure, too. And, yes, some envy ;D. Happy new year, dear friend.

    1. Thanks, Miss Laura, it is a real refuge...a great place to work, an inspiration, and nice and quiet, too! It's snowing today, and we'll be spending more time out there watching it fall...

  6. What wonderful sketches! These make me want to go right out to my little house to do some sketching. Your pages are always so inspiring, Kate!

  7. I think my comment disappeared too. Anyway, wonderful sketches! These make me want to go right out to my little house to do some sketching. Your pages are always so inspiring, Kate!
