
Friday, December 3, 2010


Winter DOES come to the shed...and it isn't even officially winter yet, but the other day it was 39 degrees when I got there.  With BOTH heaters going it doesn't take long to warm up, though, and today I go rug-shopping again.  Bare floor in the winter is nuts, especially when it's just 3/4" plywood!  I found one secondhand for $30, or we may trade out the one at the cabin...

Meanwhile my fleece robe, down comforter and heating pad keep me happy till the heaters do their work...

The birds have found the little platform feeder...nice to watch them crowding around...

Lovely working out there, though...ideas really seem to flow. 


  1. Lovely sketches, as usual. I'm glad it warms up quickly out there for you, but you do need a big THICK rug, too. ;)

  2. Beautiful sketches, Kate! Yes, smaller spaces always warm up nicely and are very cosy in cold weather. You seem all set with your heating mat and comforter.

  3. A nice woolly one, Rita! I put a tiny wool blanket under the desk and it makes in incredible amount of difference!

    Serena, thank you! So far so good...

  4. I get all relaxed just seeing your sketches and dreaming of a shed for myself. Ahhhh.

  5. Toni, it DID take longer than I expected, but it really is pretty doable. Lots of options! I hope you can have one too...
