
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shed Prezzies!

Godchild Ann Brown gave me this wonderful velvet pumpkin for my birthday--she said it was for the shed, and she was right, it looks great!  Just the perfect combination of elegance and nature (that's a real stem...)  Thank you, Miss Ann, I love it.

And Joseph put up my new birdfeeder, right outside the work window--PERFECT.  This isn't where I'd imagined it, it's infinitely better.  I'll be able to watch the birds and maybe even get some decent sketches and photos as they get used to me...

It looks cool, too!  It should be safer from raccoons and squirrels (yes, resourceful little acrobats as they are!), it's easy to get at to fill...perfect.  Thanks, babe!


  1. I hate to say it, but I don't think squirrels would have any trouble getting to this feeder. I love where it hangs, tho, right outside the window like that. Looks perfect. And the velvet pumpkin looks perfect, too. :)

  2. Truthfully, Rita, I like squirrels as much as I like birds, so I won't really mind! The thought is that the roof is long, slick and slanted there, so not sure their little claws could hang on--I've got this picture of ski-jump squirrels...

  3. You just keep finding one more perfect little thing to add to the shed! It looks wonderful.

  4. I don't know about the raccoons, but my bet is on the squirrels finding a way. They are cute little opportunistic buggers!

  5. I won't mind...I really love squirrels! We have fox squirrels and grays both, here...

    And thanks, Timaree!

  6. They might be able to jump on it from the nearby redbud but I mean to have that down anyway. The only other way is to jump on the slick metal roof and try to get at it that way. THAT I would love to see! >:^D

  7. Yep, the ski-jump! And, um, I like the redbud...
