
Monday, September 6, 2010

Let there be...light!

This has to be about the least expensive lighting option EVER.  I had these when I was a kid, and always loved them...Japanese paper lanterns.  This one is a 12", and cost--are you ready?  75 cents.  Yep.  And Amazon offered a deal, this one, a 16" one, and the fixture to go with--the wire and the bulb holder and switch--all three for $5.34. 

The light is very soft but fills the whole room, close to that white ceiling. Nice for reading or making art...

J. got the rack up for me, and I finally found my old enamel wash basin, so that corner's pretty well set.


  1. Is that one of your paintings in the background?

  2. Yes, it is, Paul. That south wall looked awfully bare!

  3. Your work is beautiful. It always is.

  4. The cord hanging down would drive me bonkers. I'm so anal. But I love the lamp. I need bright light. Brighter the older I get--ROFL! ;)

  5. LOL! Joseph attached it to the wall with a couple of hooks so it looks a lot neater...and yes, light is GOOD. I still haven't decided about a studio lamp, but may end up with one.

    Thank you, Paul!!

  6. By studio light, do you mean one that sets on the desk or clips onto something? I have a portable Ott light, full spectrum that I love. It gives "true" light. They sell differnt models of these at Joann's or Hobby Lobby stores, their 40% off coupons make them more affordable. Sometimes online sources like eBay have good deals too.

    In the bathrooms I have tubular fluorescents that are full spectrum so you don't look like a cadaver when you put on your make-up. HA

    Love the Chinese Lantern too. The place is getting that "lived in" look. Exciting.

  7. Yes, something with a balanced spectrum. But there's no good place on the little desk for it, so still looking...I'm really picky about the fluorescents (paintings look cadaverous too!), but the color of the one in the lantern is fine. J. put in a "daylight" one first and it was just BLUE. Ugh. Daylight on a snowy day in the Arctic, maybe!

  8. My little portable Ott light only has a footprint of about 4.5 inches square. The light part flips up when in use, flips down when closed, has a carry handle on top. I really like it. It's great to take to workshops too. Fits nicely into a tote bag and light bulb is fully protected.

  9. Sounds cool, Joan! I'm still thinking...guess maybe I'll see what the darker days of winter are like!
