
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friendship and the shed...

Artist Toni Kelly does gorgeous calligraphy and beautifully observed nature pieces.  I'm delighted to say that my favorite (and most needed) prayer now hangs in the shed, done by Toni's own hand in oil and ink.  The colors are serene and perfect, and of course dragonflies are very special to me. Thank you, Toni, I couldn't be happier!

It's right at home above the stained glass window, where I can see it easily--and remember.

Toni's blog is HERE--stay awhile and look at all her wonderful work; you'll enjoy the journey as much as I do.  Or visit her Etsy store to find something YOU can't do without (I have the spring robin print too.)

I had another happy surprise at last weekend's sketchcrawl...longtime friend and journal keeper Vicky Williamson brought me these two little cubbies for over the desk (they're stacked, here.) Haven't decided for sure where to hang them and they're already filling up!  They're perfect, and just fit.  Thank you, Vicky!  Now, when are you coming for tea?

And this is weird, two of my photos went away, since yesterday!  I've put them back and hope they stay!

Monday, September 27, 2010

More little details...

Before we took our trip West, Joseph got the pegs up...they're going to be very helpful!

I have things hanging on some of them now...they'll hold coats, sweaters, art supplies, whatever...

I like the rustic effect of the funky two by fours...painted white, it's a great look.  Reminds me of our whitewashed chickenhouse back in our hippie farmer days...

The floor's a bit crude, too, but it'll do for now.  COLD these early mornings, though...and it's still September...

But BOY does it have great acoustics...

Friday, September 24, 2010

More Tiny Houses

I've updated my Flickr set of Wee Small Houses again, for those who enjoy these things!  We just got back from Nevada, where we visited Mt. Charleston and Old Town again.  Love all the tiny houses, the variety, the styles, the colors...

So you can see the newest additions here: .  A lot of these were for sale, so if your dream is to own a tiny getaway, you may want to check these out.  Mt. Charleston is lovely...

And a new tiny house builder for those of you in the California area:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The inside of the shed--video

Or find it here...

Still needing to build the shelves and get the  rest of the overhead storage done, plus lighting for artwork, but doing great!

Video--on the way to the shed

Finally got around to doing a few more videos and thought I'd share one here: 

Or watch it here on YouTube!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Night Light...

The lighting is working well, though perhaps not quite enough for doing art at night (WONDERFUL for kicking back and reading though--that was a terrific evening).  May still have to go for a studio light for work...

We found an inexpensive little cubby the other day, exactly the right size to cover the electric box.  J. painted it white, and now it holds a variety of small things--hand microscopes, magnifying glasses, matches, salt, and one of my wee gargoyles, among other things...

Still need one by the desk, but this was too perfect...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


And of course Uncle Wilco's link led me to a new book I'm going to need...I skimmed through the look inside feature and there are a LOT of ideas in on the title for some views!

And a new link from Uncle Wilco!

Uncle Wilco has the Just Sheds group of Flickr, which I've loved for ages (link in our list at left)...lots of inspiration there, too.  On our last post he commented that we should check the above link, which we did.

THANKS, Uncle Wilco, adding to our list of links right now.  I love the cute little cabin/summerhouse at the Naval Museum on that first page...

They do truly appreciate sheds in the UK...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two new links in our "Links We Like" at left

Both of these are fun!  Tiny House Living is a weekly newsletter full of information and ideas--you can find it here:

And Shedworking is in the UK--they really understand that sheds can encompass a LOT of living and practical working space, as well.  In tiny, efficient form, of course...

Have fun browsing...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Let there be...light!

This has to be about the least expensive lighting option EVER.  I had these when I was a kid, and always loved them...Japanese paper lanterns.  This one is a 12", and cost--are you ready?  75 cents.  Yep.  And Amazon offered a deal, this one, a 16" one, and the fixture to go with--the wire and the bulb holder and switch--all three for $5.34. 

The light is very soft but fills the whole room, close to that white ceiling. Nice for reading or making art...

J. got the rack up for me, and I finally found my old enamel wash basin, so that corner's pretty well set.