
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Joseph, taking care of details

Both the old door, which was free, and the used window have to be refurbished and repaired; J. took off all the metal stuff on the door so he can sand it, and had to knock layers and layers of paint off the window's hinges before he could get them off!

Yesterday, after the storm, we sat out in the shed with his Guinness and my shandy, reading. Suddenly I heard birds squawking and fussing, and two (robins? Who knows, they were FAST!) flew right in the door hole and out the front opening, chasing eachother into the woods! We could feel the wind from their wings...

I've sat out there and watched a fat squirrel harvest mulberries, and the turkey vultures fly over at treetop level...I'm going to like this, a lot. I've always loved our back yard, but there's almost no way to just sit by a window and delight in it, in our house. There's a door with glass in it, in the hall that leads outside, but no way to sit there and dream...