
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

And across from the shed...

Not the shuttlecocks, of course, that was the day before, in the city...but this gorgeous doe walked right down the alley, then stopped across from the shed and regarded me calmly before bounding off into the woods.


Why didn't we think of this in the first place??

The shed is 4 years old this summer...why, exactly, didn't we think to have a light put in on THAT side, too, when we had it built?  Joseph's been making do with the light from my desk lamp on the other side of the shed all this time, and when we leave at night, after dark, we stumble over chairs and such to get to the door.  Turning on a light right BY the door is so much handier!

This is really a porch light that our good friend Ron Davenport installed for us today, and we love it!  Thanks, Ron...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Building a Cabin on a Budget!

Picture of How to Build a 12x20 Cabin on a Budget

This is one of the most complete instructions I've seen out there--you CAN do this!  From the Instructables site...