
Sunday, March 9, 2014

LOVE this, by the way...

entry door to cottage

...from the Tiny House blog:

Check out the link to see the rest of the photos...siiigh...

Time Flies When You're Working Hard! And shed-birds...

I couldn't believe it when I saw my last post here was January!  I've been getting ready to launch a new mini-class, so although I've been AT the shed every day, I haven't thought to stop in here and say hello!

We've seen some delightful new birds at the shed--just passing through, I believe.  Here are our two visitors:

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Fox Sparrow (an aggressive little fellow!)

And some of our "usual suspects":

We always see a lot more birds on cold, snowy can I resent the chill when it brings so much pleasure?