
Monday, October 21, 2013

Not so great...fungus among us!

This is not really want you want to see INSIDE your living space...

Sort of looks like the Starship Enterprise, doesn't it...and it colonized the inside of my shed with millions of little white spores...

See, I'm not making this up.
SO.  What to DO??  I need to make sure the door jamb is good and dry (good luck with THAT, it catches every splash from the roof when it rains) or kill off the spores, but I don't like poisons.

Any suggestions?

We get around...again!

It's always odd to me when I find my life Out There on the 'net.  This morning I was poking around the various "tiny house" links and saw one called Tiny Creative Cabin.  Hmmm, says I, right up my alley!

And so it was--literally! I originally provided these photos for something or other, can't remember what, now, but it wasn't Tiny House Swoon. 

But you know, sharing and inspiration WAS the point, so it's no big deal!  This is my original cabin, built in the 80s and in sore need of repair...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Some things move slower than others...

So.  Sometime in the fall of 2010, I wrote in this blot that I was thinking about--yea, even PLANNING to-- making the trim a soft gray blue instead of the white that was in such sharp contrast with the wood siding.

With my frequently lightning-like speed when it comes to things like this, I thought about it.  And thought about it.  And TALKED about it.  And meant to get AT it.  When our friend Don Dickerson was here painting the trim next door, I thought okay, this is IT.  Finally bought the paint.

Then Don got a different job in CT, so there he is, and there I was, and it was a perfect, glorious fall day and I felt pretty decent.  J's working next door, and here I was...


Simple little window first...yep, yep, I like it...

So then I got more stuff together and started the door...J. did the very top rail for me when he stopped over for a conjugal visit... but you can see the little green stool I used for a stepladder for the rest of the taller stuff.  I am SO short...

Oh yeah.  I like it.  A LOT.  It could have been a shade darker, but you know what?  Talk to me again in another three years!

Nice, yes?  Not such a contrast.  Softer...

And yeah, I wore out before getting to the multi-paned back window.  Manana.  Or next week.  Or when Don gets back...but NOT three years from now!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A wonderful little fairytale house, and a wonderful tale to go with it...

This beautiful little cottage featured on the Tiny House Blog last year was created for a little boy with leukemia who only dreamed of a fairytale house; it was larger and more expensive than the Make a Wish foundation could manage, so his parents refinanced, hired friends to help build, and made it happen, anyway.

It's built as "clean" as possible, to avoid environmental problems with his cancer (mold and mildew are particular problems with leukemia); she even chose a copper sink for anti-microbial reasons.

Building this little treasure was a distraction and a joy for all of them, and is large enough to be enjoyed for many years to come instead of a child-sized playhouse he would outgrow. Christopher Robin would approve...

More pictures of the building of the cottage and of the interior here.

It made a lump in my throat and I thought you'd enjoy it, too.  Magic.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

We get around!

Funny, just found the Shed on Tiny House Design's Facebook page, then Tiny House Living AND Tiny House Swoon...thanks for liking us, all!

The photos were from a couple of years ago...