
Monday, May 21, 2012

Loving these links...

This one came from Shedworking, too, a delightful shepherd's hut builder in the UK...the interiors are so fresh and homey...

They're from the Plankbridge Hutmakers...check their gallery or watch the video!

OK, this one makes me giggle.  What are they LOOKING at??

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rainy Sunday Part Two

And here's this morning's sketch of the rain-silvered garden, with a bit of the page from our friend Kevin Morgan's campaign kickoff page...

Rainy Sunday Part One

A peaceful Sunday...we weren't supposed to get rain or thunderstorms till afternoon, but here it was, at 9 in the morning.  It got dark as night; streetlights came on...we'd planned to go to a concert in the City, but it was too lovely curling up with coffee, our books, my journal and watercolors and staying right here, listening to the rain on the metal roof.

I hopped out to shoot these photos during a lull!

We've been working on the path between the house and the shed/studio, and just in time, looks like!  New steppingstones, and pond pebble mulch between them.  We'd originally used bark mulch, but it floated away every time it it did this morning. We were both pleased with the pebbles!  Now we need more...