
Sunday, November 27, 2011

MORE Life at the Shed...

A gorgeous, mosaic-like bug under the edge of an old green planter...

Busy nuthatches with their metallic "beep" sounds...

Wild honeysuckle may be a wicked invasive, but the birds adore it...which, of course, is WHY it's so successful...

I love sunny days when I can sit on the deck and journal and sketch...

The black one is a Stilman& Birn journal that's a delight to write in, the other's one of my hand-bound artists' journals

Soaking up the D-vitamins! 

And then to work, doing videos by the big window.  On sunny days, the light is sufficient, on cloudier ones I used the photo-floods...and Joseph is building me a bigger table to do demos on!  Hooray...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Life at the Shed...

Outdoors, my little majmar provides warmth on chilly mornings--and hot water for tea.  Still haven't tried cooking anything serious on it!

Shooting videos by bouncing photo lights off that white ceiling...hard at work on a new class for Strathmore Papers, and learning to use my video-editing software.

Herbs growing where they're safe from the indoor cats...the morning light comes in the French doors...

The kitchen corner still provides hot tea and a working surface...

Gorgeous crystal lights up the west windowsill

Monday, November 14, 2011


And by the way, the big blank south wall of the shed is seriously boring.  It's the inside wall with the bookshelves, desk, and kitchen corner, so I didn't want a window there but from the outside....zzzzzzz.

See what I mean?  Nada.  A LOT of nada.
I've thought about a trellis, a solar collector, a sculpture, a sign, a big bush, or...maybe...just not think about it.  I don't see that side very often anyway!  But if you have any suggestions....